LÜCKE Leuchten

The open kitchen was characterized by a curtain of translucent porcelain lamps in 4 different sizes, run by LEDs in custom-made sockets.

for Hannes Schmidt, LÜCKE, 2019

LÜCKE Geschirr

The temporary restaurant was made out of old, unused and borrowed ressources. Therefor the tableware consisted of sponsored b-ware, which was marked with information why it was sorted in a "low-quality" categorie, informing users and starting discurses about our perceptions of perfection, value and usability while eating in a relaxed environment in the heart of Weimar. The concept was priced with the Bundespreis Ecodesign 2019, Germanys highest national award for sustainability.

for Hannes Schmidt, LÜCKE, 2019


As a wedding gift an individual logo (the bridal couple L & A) and graphics of the places they visited together were developed to be printed as special decals, which were fired onto prefabricated tableware.


Salon Konetzny

The bar in Weimar, opened in 2017 is equipped with technical shape inspired lampshades and matching tiles for the front of the counter and the surface of the table areas.

for Salon Konetzny, 2017


For every coffee speciality served at the Hinterzimmer - former cafe & bar in Weimar - a certain cup was designed. The small series of 250 pieces shows visible signs of the handmade manufacturing process. As Hinterzimmer had to close due to political reasons, the cups were sold and are now souvenirs for many former students containing the memories of their studies in Weimar. 



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